
We have put together some of the questions our clients often ask us when we work with them the first time. We hope they can help you understand “what we are talking about”!

How is a translation “measured”?

One of the units conventionally used to measure translations in Italy is the ‘page’. Generally speaking, a technical ‘page’ has 1,500 characters including spaces. The adjective ‘technical’ refers to texts of a specialist nature, namely technical manuals, legal texts, medical and scientific texts, marketing texts and, generally speaking, anything which is not an editorial translation (namely narrative and essays). Yet the ‘page’ is not the only means of measuring the length of a translation: there is also the word count. Broadly speaking, a technical ‘page’ corresponds to around 230 words.

How long will I have to wait for my translation?

This is “the big question”. Unfortunately, there is no one answer, because there is no standard amount of time which applies to any one translation project. Each job is different, and just as in any other service, when calculating the timescale, many factors need to be taken into account.First and foremost is, of course, the length of the text. But in spite of what one might think, it is not the most decisive factor. A text can in fact be very long but, for example, repetitive or very discursive. Alternatively, the terminology used might not be complex. As a result, the translation flows well and the work is finished more quickly. Conversely, a very short text can be full of technical terms and more difficult concepts, making it necessary to carry out in-depth research both on the subject itself and the terminology.
Fine, I hear you say. So roughly how long does it take? Let’s put it this way: an expert translator can finish between 6 and 12 ‘pages’ in one working day. Needless to say, when we give you the quote, we provide a precise timeframe so you can gauge whether the length of time suits your needs properly.

What do I need to do to receive a free quote?

You can send an e-mail with your definitive text, preferably in “.doc” or “.docx” format.
A workable Word® format is ideal for calculating your quote at lightning speed, working out how long the task actually is, and managing the translation process as quickly as possible, thereby reducing the delivery time.
If, on the other hand, your document is in “.pdf” format, or if it is an image, don’t worry: we will convert the file for you, and the quote will include the work needed to prepare the document layout.
When you get in touch, remember to tell us about any deadlines you have,as well as the purpose of the translation (such as if it is a document for in-house use or for publication, or if you need it to present to the authorities etc.). You should also specify any preferences concerning terminology or style (more or less formal, more or less technical), and any corporate glossaries to be used, if the company has any.

How much does a translation cost?

This aspect is again governed by a number of variables. So, once again the answer is: it depends. First and foremost, it depends on the language combination (a translation from Spanish to Italian will, broadly speaking, cost a bit less than a translation from English to Chinese). But above all, it depends on the field of specialisation. By way of example, translating ordinary standard correspondence will cost less than translating a medical file, a financial statement or a contract.
The various aspects to be taken into account when assessing the cost of a translation include the format of the original document, the length of the text, namely the volume of the translation project, the presence of any repetitions, or the possibility of using a glossary of terms that have already been approved by the client. Each of these factors can render the working time longer or shorter and, as a result increase or decrease the cost.
If you would like a precise quote for the cost of your translation, please send us your definitive document. In the space of a few hours we will send you a precise quotation for timescale and costs free of charge!

I need a sworn translation. How does it work?

One of Nosmet’s partners is a sworn translator accredited at the Court of Rome. To swear a translation in court,we need to have the document itself. You can send it by e-mail, recorded delivery, courier or bring it to our offices in person. We are situated in Rome, at no. 8 Via Nepi, a stone’s throw from the Ponte Milvio bridge. Once the quote has been approved, which will include the cost of the translation itself, the cost of the service for swearing the translation and the expenses incurred (duty stamps and any expenses incurred for recorded delivery postage etc.), we will translate the document and have the translation sworn at the appropriate offices of the Court of Rome.
In particular, the Court of Rome requires one 16 Euro duty stamp to be affixed for every 100 lines of translation, including the affidavit of translation. As a result, if the finished document is composed of a maximum of 100 lines (including the affidavit), only one duty stamp will need to be affixed. From the 101st line onwards, a second duty stamp will be required, and so on until the end of the translated document.
Once the procedure has been completed, the sworn translation may be collected straight from our offices by making an appointment. Alternatively, you can have it sent via ordinary mail, recorded delivery or courier, depending on your needs.

Can I translate my document on my own and have Nosmet swear the translation after?

Bearing in mind the civil and criminal responsibility involved for the translator who swears a document, Nosmet will normally only swear documents translated personally by its partners or by its most trusted mother-tongue translators. Having said this, you can in any case send us your translated document, and we will send you a free quote for revising the translation and having it sworn.

If you agree, we will then have the translation sworn at the Court of Rome.

Why must I send the signed quote back to you?

The quote we send you is like a contract which safeguards both parties: the party doing the work (namely Nosmet) and the party receiving it (you, the client). As you will see, it contains all the information concerning the service requested, the delivery timeframe timeframe (which is obligatory and binding for us to supply you with the translation), the total cost stipulated clearly and precisely (you will never receive any unpleasant surprises or “last minute” additional costs), the payment deadline and on the responsibility limit for both parties.
When you send the quote back filled out and signed, it means you are fully aware of the services being purchased and the associated costs, as well as of your rights as the purchasing party.
It provides vital protection for both parties.That is why we feel it is so important, and we never start working on a job before receiving official confirmation that it is what you want us to do! And in any case, thanks to technology you can now get the quote back to us in the blink of an eye!
06 3340972
Nosmet Soc. Coop.
Via Nepi, 8
00191 – ROMA

P. IVA 07404001005

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Contact us for information on how we work or to receive a quote!


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