Legal translations in various language combinations

The economic, financial and legal sectors are often considered not as interesting as other works, because marked by a complicated language and difficult concepts, numbers and laws: instead we think they are extremely stimulating and engaging insofar as they reflect the professional/business life and often even the private affairs of individuals!

The language is of course codified and specific and every successful work relation or business deal implies a “narrative” with a clear adequate communication supported by efficient content.

Nosmet handles legal translations in various language combinations carried out by mother-tongues who are also experts in their field, with texts as always undergoing multiple checks for uniformity, pertinent terminology and content.

Does your company want an effective communication with clients and contractors?

Nosmet simplifies your company’s communication by translating internal correspondence or communications addressed to your partners, streamlining time frames and adapting to your needs and any unforeseen events. For a practical example, please take a look at our portfolio!

We also translate:

  • company brochures and websites
  • budgets and quotations
  • papers for tenders
  • general websites
  • technical manuals, and more…

Sworn translations at the Court of Rome can be provided for English, French, Russian and Spanish

What we do

We translate:

  • contracts
  • protocols
  • minutes
  • annual reports
  • documents for transferals abroad
  • marriage, birth and graduation certificates
  • nursing diplomas
  • driving licenses
  • criminal records
  • certificates of professional conduct
  • IPASVI (Nursing Association) procedures and NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council) memberships.
The economic, financial and legal sectors are often considered not as interesting as other works, because marked by a complicated language and difficult concepts, numbers and laws: instead we think they are extremely stimulating and engaging insofar as they reflect the professional/business life and often even the private affairs of individuals!

The language is of course codified and specific and every successful work relation or business deal implies a “narrative” with a clear adequate communication supported by efficient content.

Nosmet handles legal translations in various language combinations carried out by mother-tongues who are also experts in their field, with texts as always undergoing multiple checks for uniformity, pertinent terminology and content.

What we do

We translate:

  • contracts
  • protocols
  • minutes
  • annual reports
  • documents for transferals abroad
  • marriage, birth and graduation certificates
  • nursing diplomas
  • driving licenses
  • criminal records
  • certificates of professional conduct
  • IPASVI (Nursing Association) procedures and NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council) memberships.

Does your company want an effective communication with clients and contractors?

Nosmet simplifies your company’s communication by translating internal correspondence or communications addressed to your partners, streamlining time frames and adapting to your needs and any unforeseen events. For a practical example, please take a look at our portfolio!

We also translate:

  • company brochures and websites
  • budgets and quotations
  • papers for tenders
  • general websites
  • technical manuals, and more…

Sworn translations at the Court of Rome can be provided for English, French, Russian and Spanish

+39 06 3340972

Nosmet Soc. Coop.
Via Nepi, 8
00191 - ROMA

VAT 07404001005

Contact us

Drop us a line to know how we work
to get a free quote!


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