About us

Anna Maria Bosnjak

Anna Maria was born and raised in Rome in an environment that embraced two cultures: the Italian, her mother’s, and the Croatian, her father’s family. This on-going contact, since childhood, with different languages and cultures made her want to delve deeper into this path until her degree in Political Science.

In the meantime, Anna became fascinated with foreign languages, continuing her studies in English, French, Russian and Croatian and combining them with several study and pleasure trips to each of these countries. She began her career in the translating world in the mid-nineties with translations of short stories and popular science literature from English and Russian into Italian. In 1998 she began working as translator and project manager for a company specializing in medical translations for leading publishers.

Medicine therefore became her main specialization and she now has over twenty years of experience in the field. In 2003, together with Francesca Ceccarelli, she cofounded the translators’ cooperative Nosmet.
A fan of music, travel and books, in particular Russian and Eastern European literature, Anna Maria has been a member of the Italian Croatian Society of Rome since its foundation, and was also its general secretary for many years.

Francesca Ceccarelli

Travel, classical studies, painting school, specialist courses in English, French and Swedish and a degree with excellent grades from the translation and interpreting college in Rome, have all contributed to defining the way Francesca addresses her work as translator, along with her early experiences as freelance and in-house translator for firms and translation agencies: film subtitles, medical translations, administrative work and managing projects, freelancers and clients.

In 2003 she cofounded Nosmet, where she is actively involved in the management of clients and translators, devoting special care to final results, problem-solving, client-satisfaction and to maintaining a healthy productive work environment.

Should we live to work or work to live? She prefers the third option: you can live well with a job you enjoy and that gives you satisfaction.

Catlover and voracious Twitter user, she devotes her free time to painting, Nordic Walking and travel.

Francesca Ceccarelli

Travel, classical studies, painting school, specialist courses in English, French and Swedish and a degree with excellent grades from the translation and interpreting college in Rome, have all contributed to defining the way Francesca addresses her work as translator, along with her early experiences as freelance and in-house translator for firms and translation agencies: film subtitles, medical translations, administrative work and managing projects, freelancers and clients.

In 2003 she cofounded Nosmet, where she is actively involved in the management of clients and translators, devoting special care to final results, problem-solving, client-satisfaction and to maintaining a healthy productive work environment.

Should we live to work or work to live? She prefers the third option: you can live well with a job you enjoy and that gives you satisfaction.

Catlover and voracious Twitter user, she devotes her free time to painting, Nordic Walking and travel.

Mara Fancello

A fan of foreign languages since an early age, Mara began to dabble in them a little by coincidence, a little because of the craving to chat that has distinguished her since childhood. She soon decided they were part of what she wanted to do as a “grownup.” During high school and the first years of university she was already working as tour guide and hotel receptionist in various places in Italy and Spain, without ever giving up her studies, or her workshops and internships devoted to translation, her final goal (or rather, her first one). So, she joined the degree course in specialized translation at Cagliari University, spending her second year in the UK, at Warwick University, where she studied the theory and practice of translation and foreign language teaching.

In October 2013 she finally reached Rome, and Nosmet, first as an intern, and after approximately a year as a member of the cooperative, immediately after attaining her degree in specialised translation. At Nosmet she translates and reviews texts from English and Spanish into Italian, particularly in the marketing, technical, medical and scientific fields.

A first generation PotterHead, she is an obsessive-compulsive reader and particularly adores Vargas Llosa and García Marquez. In her free time she tries to travel as much as possible and watches far too many original language TV series.

+39 06 3340972

Nosmet Soc. Coop.
Via Nepi, 8
00191 - ROMA

VAT 07404001005

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