Work with us

We are always looking for talented translators with a highly professional approach and with whom we shall constantly try to establish a solid, honest and long-term working relationship.

Who we’re looking for:

Rigorous professionals with a great regard for detail, specialised and competent in their fields of interest, with an in-depth linguistic and cultural knowledge of their target and source languages and capable of appreciating and conveying the nuances and features typical of the linguistic culture and specialist field. Our main aim is to establish a work relationship that will be satisfying and constructive for both parties.

What we offer:

At Nosmet a project manager is first and foremost a professional translator. We are fully aware of the difficulties of the job and aim at a cooperative relationship in which our translators are not left on their own: we solve any interpretative doubts as a team, always trying to find the best possible solutions all together. We offer transparency and honesty in administrative matters, agreed upon deadlines and maximum reliability in the work relationship we offer. If this profile sounds like you and would like to join our group as a freelancer, contact us on with your full CV and indicating your language combinations, specialisation fields, work experience, fees, any contacts for references and whether you would be willing to submit a brief trial translation (max. 250 words). In addition, if you like teamwork, are enterprising and full of initiative, you may also like to join our team as a full member. We hope to hear from you!

+39 06 3340972

Nosmet Soc. Coop.
Via Nepi, 8
00191 - ROMA

VAT 07404001005

Contact us

Drop us a line to know how we work
to get a free quote!


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